Poly is a program for investigating polyhedral shapes. Poly can display polyhedral shapes in three main ways:
• as a three-dimensional image,
• as an flattened, two-dimensional net, and
• as a topological embedding in the plane.
The three-dimensional images may be interactively rotated and folded/unfolded. Physical models may be produced by printing out the flattened two-dimensional net, cutting around its perimeter, folding along the edges, and finally taping together neighbouring faces.
Poly includes six categories of polyhedra.
Platonic Solids
Each platonic polyhedron is constructed using (multiple copies of) a single regular polygon. A polygon is regular if all of its edges have the same length and all of its interior angles are equal. Both the equilateral triangle and square are regular polygons.
Archimedean Solids
The Archimedean solids were defined historically by Archimedes, although we have lost his writings. All of the Archimedean solids are uniform polyhedra with regular faces. A polyhedron with regular polygonal faces is uniform if there are symmetry operations that take one vertex through all of the other vertices and no other points in space. For example, the cube has rotation by 90º around an axis and reflection through a plane perpendicular to that axis as its symmetry operations.
A common heuristic for the Archimedean solids is that the faces around each vertex must be the same for all vertices. Although all of the Archimedean solids have this property, so does the elongated square gyrobicupola (Johnson solid #37) which is not an Archimedean solid.
Prisms and Anti-Prisms
After the Platonic and Archimedean solids, the only remaining convex uniform polyhedra with regular faces are prisms and anti-prisms. This was shown by Johannes Kepler, who also gave the names that we use for the Archimedean solids.
Johnson Solids
After taking into account the preceeding three categories, there are only a finite number of convex polyhedra with regular faces. The enumeration of these polyhedra was performed by Norman W. Johnson.
Catalan Solids
The Catalan solids are duals of Archimedean solids. A dual of a polyhedron is constructed by replacing each face with a vertex, and each vertex with a face. For example, the dual of the icosahedron is the dodecahedron; the dual of the dodecahedron is the icosahedron.
Dipyramids and Deltohedrons
Dipyramids are duals of prisms; deltohedrons are duals of anti-prisms.
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This collection of files may be freely redistributed as long as all files remain together. Poly and all accompanying files are copyright property of Pedagoguery Software, with the exception of the Register application which is copyright property of Peter N. Lewis.
We at Pedagoguery Software welcome comments and feedback from our users. We may be reached via email at peda@peda.com. We maintain a web page for Poly at http://www.peda.com/poly/.
Although we have tested Poly and reviewed the documentation, Pedagoguery Software makes no warrantites, either express or implied, with respect to Poly, its quality, performance, merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose.
2. Ownership:
Poly is owned by Pedagoguery Software.
3. Pedagoguery Software and Apple Computer do not assume responsibility for any damage or loss caused by the use of Poly.
4. Poly is to be used on a single personal computer or workstation which is not used as a server. All personal computers or workstations which provide access to a registered version of Poly must be registered.
5. Poly may not be modified, reverse-engineered, decompiled, or disassembled.
6. You may not rent or lease Poly.
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8. Poly is a trademark of Pedagoguery Software. Apple® and Macintosh® are registered trademarks of Apple Computer. All of the other registered trademarks used herein, and displayed by Poly, are the property of their respective owners.
9. Pedagoguery Software welcomes correspondence from users of our software.